Memorialized Facebook Account

It’s 18 months since Steve passed away and there are still things I’ve been reluctant to do, one of them was to memorialize his Facebook account. I’ve decided to do it now and have been researching how to go about it.

It’s worth noting that if you try to change your marital status on Facebook from MARRIED TO WIDOWED you'll get a message saying sorry for your loss, please memorialize this account first and then come back to change your status.

Memorialized accounts are a way for people on Facebook to remember and celebrate those who've passed away. The first thing you need to do is contact Facebook with the account name of your deceased loved one and a copy of the death certificate. Once you hit SEND, you sit back and wait for the confirmation email. I’ve gone through the process now and it takes less than an hour for this update to be done.

 Some people I know update their status straight away, at the same time as switching utility bills from joint to single accounts but for me it took time. It wasn’t that I hadn’t accepted Steve’s death, I was just not ready to announce to Facebook that my status was changed from married to widowed.

Have you had experience of this?

#MyPrelovedLife : 29/10/18