Elene Marsden

 My life changed completely when…My husband, Steve Marsden died in 2017.

If you've found this blog by googling words like grief, loss and suffering, you’re probably going through a hard time, perhaps you've lost someone close to you, maybe you've split from your partner or life has just changed for you in some profound way.

I hope this blog will inspire you to keep going and to try different things. I certainly have over the last 5 years.

I'm fully embracing the idea of life's plot twists. In my story I tell myself I'm not the victim instead I’m the author of a rather interesting novel. These blog posts are divided into Beginnings, Helped Me, Solo Life and Sixty Days.

BEGINNINGS : The start of my grieving journey, the early months living a solo life after a 38 year marriage.

HELPED ME : The things, the people and the experiences that have help me adjust to a solo life after the death of my husband in 2017

SOLO LIFE : How to survive the loss of a loved one and to reinvent yourself as a single person. These blogs are about living in the world as a solo person

SIXTY DAYS : My travel adventures through six countries and 20,000 miles the year my husband died

My Story

I'm a 60 something woman whose lifelong partner, lover, soul mate and father to my 3 children died in 2017. We had a love affair that lasted for 46 years and 1 day. We met on 27th February 1971, Steve, aka My Rock, died on 28th February 2017. I hold onto the fact that he never stopped loving me until he took his last breath.

I can't be sure when I decided to shift my mindset to focus on everything I have rather than what I've lost. Perhaps it was when I was preparing to talk about our love at Steve's Wake. But this shift was a game changer for me and is still important to this today. Of course, during the last 5 years, I've been overwhelmed by sadness at key anniversaries and there've been times when my grief has hit me like a tsunami wave but I've become resilient, I've embraced a new life, a preloved one.

My blog may not solve all your problems but hopefully, you'll see how I've embraced my new life. You'll never catch me feeling sorry for myself, I have a new perspective, I feel fortunate that I still have a life to live. I will always remember Steve and our incredible life together, his amazing love has powered me on each day and he'll often get a mention in my blog.

If it helps, you can write comments below any of my blogs, especially if they resonate with you and if any of your friends might enjoy reading my words, please share.

For more information about my story, check out this newspaper article 

email: elene@prelovedchica.com | phone: (+44)7702911223 | PRIVACY NOTICE | COOKIE POLICY